Monday, December 29, 2003
(6:26 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
A Few Things to Be Glad About
Today, I had several things to be glad about. Here they are so far:
- The weather outside is beautiful -- it's like we skipped to April.
- I've gotten to participate in a pretty good exchange over at John and Belle's place, which may very well be the first time I've ever seriously discussed literary theory with anyone other than Dr. Belcher. It was especially satisfying when I pointed out that it makes perfect sense for lit theorists to imitate the style of Derrida rather than C. S. Lewis, since Derrida does the kind of thing they like and Lewis does something else entirely, and John finally broke down and said that he was tired of hearing about Heidegger and the Frenchies all the time. Also, the trackback thing actually does work.
- Through some bizarre fluke, the office has started tuning into a "light jazz" station that plays -- get this -- actual jazz. I heard John Coltrane and a lot of other old classics, and the arrangements of a couple Christmas carols (still) were actually decent and interesting. I hope they stick with this station; my only wish would be that I could know the titles and artists for each song, so that I could get paid, in part, for developing a better knowledge of jazz.
- The quest for Absolute Knowledge continues apace -- last night I went through some of Hegel's stuff about the scientific method, and I felt like I understood it well enough and was actually interested. A lot of times I know he's debating against someone, but I can't quite figure out who. In this case, since he was debating against "scientists," I felt as though I had enough knowledge to catch onto more of what he was saying. As of now, it's only 304 pages until I achieve Absolute Knowledge, at which point my blog postings will become much more interesting.
- I got to wear some new clothes that I got for Christmas. Even though I absolutely never buy clothes of my own, I do enjoy wearing new stuff. My mom, aunt, and grandma seem to have pretty decent taste -- at least they know not to buy me a turtleneck.
- Finally, I found out that I am going to get paid on New Year's Eve, rather than on Friday, which means that I can be extra-special punctual with my rent during this, my first month as the primary renter.
That's all I have for now.