Friday, April 16, 2004
(7:09 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
"Kerry is inevitable."
In order to punish the right wing for all the stupid memes they've spread ("Social Security is doomed!" "Cutting taxes raises revenue!" "George W. Bush gives a shit about people!"), we lefties need to start a targetted meme-spreading campaign. This meme could be dangerous if it got to the general public, but in right-wing discussion areas, or a left-wing discussion area with right-wing trolls involved, it could be fun.
The meme: "Kerry is inevitable."
At every appropriate point in a conversation about Bush's policies, just say something like "Of course, this will all be academic in 2005, since there's no fucking way Bush could win this year." Refuse to back down if anyone challenges it, especially if there are stats to the contrary: "That's just a momentary blip. All the momentum is with Kerry. He's inevitable."
I've gotten far beyond sick of the smug triumphalism of the Republicans who assume that the White House is their birthright -- pretty much since the 2000 Florida "debacle." This is my revenge: "Kerry is inevitable."
Sadly, I'm so low on the blogospheric food chain that I don't know if this meme will spread at all. And yes, I am aware that Matt Yglesias had a similar meme about Dean that didn't turn out to be true. Still, the whole point of a meme is that its truth-value is irrelevant. In short: "Kerry is inevitable."