Friday, December 31, 2004
(9:43 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Adams of the World, Unite!
For too long, those by the first name of Adam have suffered under a yoke of oppression. But now, in this age of unprecedented global interconnectivity, we finally have the means to disseminate our message -- "Hey Adam, where's Eve?" is not a funny joke. It wasn't funny the first time we heard it in second grade, it wasn't funny when someone deployed it today, and it will never be funny at any point in the future. Variants of this joke, including but not limited to pointing to the nearest woman and saying, "That must be Eve," are similarly non-funny.So now, at this historic moment, all of the Adams of the world must firmly resolve that the next time they are the butt of an Eve-based joke, we must take decisive action -- we must rise up, realize that the person using the joke is either just trying to be friendly or pathetically trying to be the "life of the party" using the only means at his (usually his) disposal, i.e., lame jokes, and respond by either politely chuckling or feeling smugly superior to the person, respectively.