Friday, January 28, 2005
(8:01 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Friday Afternoon Confessional
Traffic to this site has still never recovered its pre-holiday levels. We were hitting 400 visits a day pretty consistently in the months leading up to the election, and now we're trending downward. Perhaps Google image search no longer associates this site with the infamous ass-capper tattoo. In any case, the confession in there is that I have too much of a fascination with gauging the exact level of The Weblog's popularity at all times.I confess that I'm really happy with the level of group participation in posting this week and think that everyone's posts were really good -- particularly Robb's musical interlude and Adam's inspired fiction -- and I hope that this is part of a growing trend.
Please feel free to share your confessions below. If anyone would be interested in a Paypal-based indulgences program to complement the confessional, please let me know.
UPDATE: Brey has expressed a wish for a return to the yellow background that The Weblog had this summer. Others, notably Monica Bennett, have also requested the change. For that reason, I am setting up a poll. Voting will extend until I get up Monday morning, at which point I will tabulate and act upon the results:
UPDATE (2): Yeah, the poll isn't working.
Anyway, do we think that George has something to confess about his "family member" Condi?
UPDATE (3): I took down the poll because it seemed to be causing the main page to hang halfway through loading. The current scheme kicked the yellow scheme's ass, though, to such a degree that I can't imagine the yellow one coming back -- which means I don't have to bother changing the template. See, in a democracy, those in power are the real winners.