Wednesday, January 12, 2005
(9:36 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
The weather
If possible, could someone explain to me the thunder and lightning that are occuring in January? One might also wish to prepare an explanation for a January tornado, which is a distinct possibility given the rapid temperature change we Illinoisans are about to experience.It just goes to show you: Global climate change is a myth! Remember when there used to be distinct "seaons," back in the 1980s? Well you remember wrong! We've always had cool summers where it only gets really hot for a week or two in August, and we've always had relatively mild winters. Fall and spring are figures of speech, the stuff of poetry, not of rigorous meteorology. Solstice? Equinox? Pish-posh! Just days like any others! October is as hot as July; September is as cold as June -- foundations once destroyed, what can the just do? Thanks be to God -- my car gets good milage, at least on the highway. I'm not as big a part of the problem as I could be, and in our contemporary postmodern context, what more can you ask?
I mean, it's not like I kill a lot of people!
If you guys don't like this topic, here's something else to discuss: What's your favorite Pavement song? I asked Robb, and he said he settled on "Platform Blues" (Terror Twilight) after flirting seriously with "Folk Jam" (Terror Twilight). I opted for "Zurich is Stained" (Slanted and Enchanted), though both of us later wondered if we'd adequately considered "Cut Your Hair" (Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain).
Failing that: What's your favorite Shins song? Other than "New Slang," of course -- that's everyone's favorite.