Wednesday, February 16, 2005
(10:29 PM) | Anonymous:
I don't read good.
I'm sick of seeing all the profit Adam makes off this blog. The kid is rolling from his shiny new City of Chicago parking decal to his fancy ass new Agamben book. I want in on the action.It's become somewhat of a meme that I am a kid who don't read good. I hope to correct that and I think you can help. See, I've been doing this blogging thing for awhile and haven't gotten much out of it except the occasional sexual advance from Patrick or the common insults.
These simply are not helping me to read good.
I hear that practice makes perfect so you can help by gifting me with some practice material. I've even made a list. If you think I don't read good then ought you give me new material practice on.
That link again (for the list).