Tuesday, April 26, 2005
(9:57 AM) | Old - Doug Johnson:
Sign Up Sheet: Ratzinger Week
UPDATE: We are also holding a vote on whether to keep the moniker 'old' or change it to one of the proposed alternatives. I've provided some eye candy to ease the agony of the right to choose.So in some ways, the last few weeks have already been Ratzinger Weeks. Maybe folks are or will burn out on this. What do you think?
Nevertheless, we have had five or six offers of contributions. I'm sensing that folks are busy, and that the week after next may be better than next week. As such, the following is a sign up sheet for May 8-14. Say which day you'd like in the comments box, and I'll update periodically. If 'had enough Ratzinger' or 'will have soon' is the consensus, we'll cancel.
Sunday May 8:
Monday May 9: Ryan Hansen-pot TBA later
Tuesday May 10: Old-Doug Johnson, Jewish Law and Ratzinger's Politics of the Cross
Wednesday May 11: Kotsko-Sexual Issues, especially Homosexuality with reference to Masturbation
Thursday May 12:
Friday May 13: Nate - Ratzinger, Aquinas, and Barth on communion ecclesiology, raising questions of ecumenism
Saturday May 14: JD -TBA