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Friday, July 22, 2005

About 15-20% of them.

How do you organize your collection?

West to East in my apartment:

1. About 3-5 boxes of good books I probably never will read, which I've planned to sell for about a year.
2. About 5-6 boxes that I boxed up 2-3 years ago when I thought I might move.
3. A fair-sized pile of books I took out of those boxes when looking for a book I wanted.
4. A pile of fiction and poetry books that I like to have out -- some bought recently, and some retrieved from boxes in #3.
5. A stack of academic journals which are probably unsaleable.
6. A small pile of books which really belong to my mother.
*7. Books on Eurasian and Central Asian History
*8. Books on Chinese philosophy
*9. Chinese-language reference books
*10. Books on Buddhism
*11. Books on practical philosophy
*12. Books on military history and geography
*13. Atlasses
*14. Books on social science and philosophy, organized by category.
15. Books I really want to read but probably won't
16. Books for about 5-10 specific writing projects, some of which I will never get to.

*17. Chinese classics
*18. Reference works I frequently use -- about 10 dictionaries, mostly foreign-language, Columbia encyclopedia, World Almanac.
19. Books for current writing projects for my web site.
20. Books for a reading project I've been working on
21. Other books I've been reading recently.
22. About 20
rare books, and good books which I bought by mistake, to sell on E-bay.

The asterisked* items are vestiges of my old, semi-organized system.

At the following URL you will learned a few things about organizing a collection of dictionaries and grammars: Language Hat

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(John Emerson has asserted the moral right to be identified as the author of this post.)


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