Thursday, July 28, 2005
(10:32 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
The War on Terror is Over
Did everyone hear that the War on Terror is over?Yeah, now apparently it's the War on Violent Extremism. It's the logic of autoimmunity at its best, since we had previously engaged in rather extreme forms of violence in order to stave off terrorism -- so now we're at war with ourselves. I can't wait until Gitmo becomes a representative democracy with checks and balances and an independent judiciary, after the American tyrants are overthrown.
I propose that we have a War on Lobster. People eating lobster endangers our very way of life. It has the benefit of being winnable. After all, there is a precedent for causing a species to go extinct, whereas there is no precedent for a foreign power converting a nation from tyrrany to parliamentary democracy within two years -- and really, two years is all we have for each thing, because there are now many nations in the Cone of Instability. Perhaps we can bring democracy to Niger, and then the people there can eat votes.