Sunday, August 14, 2005
(10:52 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Supporting the Iraqi Resistance?
In order to help Eugene Volokh's even-handed attempt to discern whether there are Western opponents of the war who actively support the Iraqi insurgency, I'm going to say that no, I don't "support" the insurgents, for any value of the word "support." I also don't particularly "support" the American troops in Iraq, primarily because I'm completely befuddled as to what goal I'm supposed to hope that they achieve. I don't "support" their mission, because that's impossible to do -- they don't seem to have a mission. I do hope that as many of them as possible get home alive, just as I hope that life in Iraq is able to return to as close to normal as possible in the relatively near future.I know that doesn't sound very patriotic, but I've never been patriotic, even as a child. It strikes me as tacky when it's not dangerous. I have never fully embraced the distinction between patriotism and nationalism, and I view nationalism as one of the worst things ever to happen to the human race.
I also hope that an anonymous donor will deposit $10,000 into my bank account, for the record.