Friday, March 31, 2006
(7:47 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Friday Afternoon Confessional: On Pretty Good Terms
I confess that I slept twelve hours last night.I confess that I can be very needy in relationships. I confess that the rhetorical style of evangelical Republicanism makes me angry, and it makes me even angrier when it is used by someone who is clearly very intelligent.
I confess that my halfway-serious call to put together a Webloggian AAR panel has met with more success than I ever could have imagined: our proposal for a star-studded panel interrogating Theology and the Political has been accepted. I confess that Nate Kerr did the bulk of the actual work of getting people on board, such that I can claim credit for little more than the initial gesture toward "doing something." I confess that the panel will be made up of Adam Kotsko (i.e., me), Daniel Barber (perhaps better known as "discard the name"), Joshua Davis (either "Josh" or "JD" in comments), and Conor Cunningham, with Nate presiding. Respondants will be Graham Ward, John Milbank, and Slavoj Zizek. I confess that this is probably a better way for "us" to address Theology and the Political than our few abortive attempts at a blog-based reading group or theme week.
I confess that this will bring to a decisive end my long-time quest to avoid meeting Slavoj Zizek in person. I confess that I will also be giving a paper on Zizek's reading of Paul (such as it is) at the SBL, so that I will max out at two "appearances" on my first trip to the AAR/SBL. This is exciting.
I confess that this is part of a string of good news, but I'm not yet worried about corresponding bad news because all of this has happened since I got screwed over with my taxes. I confess that if someone were to offer to pay my taxes for me ($420 net, including the small refund I got from the state of Illinois), I would accept the money. I confess that I have an easy-to-use PayPal link in the right-hand sidebar.
Dearly beloved, let us pray:
O great Blog-God, Lord of mercy and forgiveness, you have promised us that those who comment on the Friday Afternoon Confessional will receive pardon and peace. We come before you a humble people, full of petty annoyances and faults. Grant us, we pray, the grace to make the good confession and so be healed through the cleansing pixels of HaloScan. We ask this in the name of Ben Wolfson, your son. Amen.