Thursday, June 29, 2006
(8:48 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Constitution Burning
Congress is probably a little amendment-shy after the heart-breakingly close vote on the Flag Desecration amendment. That's a shame, because there is one curtailment of the First Amendment that becomes more and more urgent by the day. Here is my proposed edited version:Congress shall make no lawWhy do I want to make this change? The answer is simple: the United States desperately needs an established state church. If we look at the many nations that have an established church, we find that it almost invariably helps to produce a well-educated populace and a fully-functioning welfare state. Moreover, the people in those nations tend to be very irreligious -- and they can afford to be, because they know that the continued existence of religion does not depend on their own efforts.respecting an establishment of religion, orprohibiting the free exercisethereof religion; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The question naturally arises: which of America's many churches should be the established churches? Although the Episcopal Church seems to be the natural choice, lately it has caused too much controversy -- that is, it has inspired stronger feelings than are appropriate for a state church. Similarly, despite its imposing size, the Southern Baptist Convention would not make a good candidate, again because of the high emotions associated with it. What we need is a well-meaning church that no one really gets worked up about -- the kind of church, perhaps, that it's easy to forget even exists.
Whatever church we ultimately choose, I predict within ten years of the passage of this crucial amendment, we will see a society that has radically changed for the better. Write your senator today.