Saturday, August 26, 2006
(12:13 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
I can always tell it's summertime when every time I shave, it represents a radical change in my appearance. This morning was the first time I'd shaved in close to two weeks -- now I'm shocked when I look in the mirror. It's a shame, because I had passed through the "unbearable itchiness" stage and could've just shaved my neck and called it a beard. I felt I needed a change, however.The real reason I shave so seldom is because those Mach 3 cartridges are too expensive, yet my tender skin will not tolerate anything less.
UPDATE: To continue the Consumerist Turn here at The Weblog, I ask you: Is there a better store-bought cookie than the Nutter Butter? Is a better store-bought cookie even conceivable? I daresay the answer is no.
DID YOU KNOW: that there was a school of theology called Boston Personalism, based at Boston University? I just read a little bit about it, and to me, it sounds a lot like process theology. Perhaps I'm reading into it because it's Cobb's Living Options in Protestant Theology, but it's from Cobb's pre-process days.
Apparently Cobb's big book on Whitehead is available online, full-text, hard-core. Indeed, I now discover that Living Options itself is available online! Here's the chapter on Boston Personalism. I'm thinking of doing my dissertation all on out-of-date things, but acting like they're still "living options." For instance: A Critique of Boston Personalism in Light of the Philosophy of F. H. Bradley. Or George Santayana and Emil Brunner: A Synthesis.
My account of all these matters may be unreliable, as I recently experienced a major crash after eating a dozen Nutter Butters.