Thursday, October 26, 2006
(2:03 PM) | Anonymous:
Asking for Money.
Not theoretically, but actually. I'm trying to make it down to London in November to see Isabelle Stengers give a talk on Whitehead and Deleuze. I don't really have the money for this, but if a few people would give a few bucks each I could easily make it down there with a packed lunch. This would really be pertinent to my research right now, but if everyone is as broke as I am then I'll understand if I get no donations. I'm talking $50 tops. You can donate through the paypal button, just enter my email address.Update: Per Mr. Kotsko's suggestion, I will post some notes, pictures, and a response from the event.
Update 2: We received a very generous donation and now if two or three people would each give five dollars we'll be on our way.