Friday, January 19, 2007
(8:16 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Friday Afternoon Confessional: "I saw the world-spirit, posting on a blog"
I confess that the illustrious Claire has started a special new blog. I confess that I find the continued bafflement about the Claire-Wolfson affair to be delightful.I confess to the deeply held belief that marriage, like graduate school, should only be entered into if there is no way of avoiding it.
I confess that being in class again has given me more stuff to write about at An und für sich, including some remarks on Derrida and Agamben. I confess that no matter how good a class is, I am always at least a little impatient for it to be over. I further confess that I have a nervous tic of coughing throughout every class I am in -- I'm not consciously nervous to be in class, so I don't know exactly what the problem is.
I confess that "administrative" stuff is a good way to feel like I'm "doing something" while at the same time putting forth minimal effort.
I confess that while I'm tired of receiving e-mails from Amazon, I can't muster the energy to take myself off their mailing list. I confess that when I look at my wish list and see Calvin's Institutes at the very top, I become very sad -- but I will actually need to pick up a copy at some point for the course I am TAing next semester. I confess that the two-volume set costs nearly $80.00 at the Co-op.
I confess that the other day I went to Europa Books and saw that they were selling Sein und Zeit for over $50. Telling Ted about this, I mentioned, "I think it's cheaper at the Co-op," then realized that that may well have been the first time I -- and perhaps anyone in history -- had ever used the phrase "cheaper at the Co-op."
I confess that literally every time I read the meta-blogging of an "academic blogger," I feel like my analysis of academic blogging is being vindicated, either substantively or performatively. In other words, I was and remain deeply and truly right in all that I said in that post, and people are only now starting to face up to it. That's why this place is called The Weblog: only we -- no, only I have fully comprehended blogging.