Sunday, February 25, 2007
(6:09 AM) | Anthony Paul Smith:
Sunday Music Videos
Adam may have one of these planned already, but I wanted to share some of the music I like.TV on the Radio
Dave likes them in his own old man sort of way ("Yeah that was cool!").
I realized reading the post below about The Smashing Pumpkins and NIN how much older you all are. Not that I didn't listen to The Smashing Pumpkins and NIN, but I never owned one as they were my oldest step-brother's albums. Rather it was Refused that got me through the last years of High School.
And the Murder City Devils. Now because you're all old and need something quiet here is Cat Power performing "Lived in Bars" live. It's very good. Some of you may actually know the famous blues musicians playing in the band (I do not).