Monday, April 16, 2007
(8:44 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Faithfully Liberal
Some of my more attentive readers may have noticed Faithfully Liberal on the blogroll. It is a project spearheaded by CTS students Aaron Krager and Mike Lee, which has also included contributions from other CTS students, such as one-time Weblog poster Chris Warfield. They have covered a wide variety of issues, including some pretty concrete discussion of economic injustice (as opposed to the normal thing on liberal blogs where every month or so you talk vaguely about "growing inequality" and blame it on the Republicans).The blog has good support from the seminary as an institution, which has resulted in them being able to do some pretty interesting interviews. It is rumored that an interview of Barack Obama, one of our Hyde Park neighbors, is forthcoming.
Overall, if you're interested in what a progressive/mainline Christian type of political engagement would look like, take a look at Faithfully Liberal. If you want my personal narcissism, the gripings of a sea otter, pirated jazz mp3s, and Mr. Sprinkles videos, leave your browser pointed here. But to be a good liberal: why can't it be both?