Monday, March 10, 2008
(12:15 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
A Thought on The Wire
Some people haven't watched the last season of The Wire because they don't have HBO. I have news for you: "not having HBO" is a fixable problem. So call the cable company and order HBO (and On Demand, if that doesn't come with your plan by default -- which, incidentally, it does with Comcast). Watch the episodes, which are available On Demand until the end of the month, then cancel the service.It's such a simple solution, yet whenever I've mentioned it to people, they ignore the fact that I've said it and reply: "Well, I don't have HBO, so I guess I have to wait for the DVDs...." Why this aversion to paying for HBO service if you're willing to pay for DVD rental or purchase? WHY?!