Tuesday, March 25, 2008
(12:00 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Tuesday Hatred: Abject Failure
I hate the sheer amount of time I wasted over the past two days. I especially hate that I skimmed back through the comments to this post, which -- hatefully enough -- is the second most-read post at An und für sich. The most-read is this one on Brian Leiter, and coming in at #3 is Anthony's "What is Milbank?" (The answer: "Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.")I hate the ancient Greeks and their baroque system of verb conjugation. The -μι verbs are really the straw the broke the camel's back. I hate the thought that after I'm done with my lesson book, it's still going to take probably a year or so of continual work to become comfortable with Greek grammar and then probably at least another year before I have enough vocabulary to read at anything like a usable level for anything without a facing translation -- and this is mainly just to read church fathers. If I was planning on delving into the classics, I would probably just kill myself right now.
I hate footnotes that assume you're an idiot. Oh, really, Rousseau is summarizing his argument thus far? How could I have known that otherwise? Oh, I know: by reading the text itself, which I just read before flipping back to see this endnote. Needless to say, I especially hate them when they're endnotes.
I hate the ridiculous weather we continue to have. Seven inches of snow the second day of spring was just insulting, and I am at the end of my patience with below-freezing windchills.
I hate that I'm feeling so hateful that I might not have any love left in my heart at all. All these petty annoyances -- how much can one man bear?!