Friday, July 25, 2008
(12:00 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Friday Afternoon Confessional: Life Together
I confess that this week my productivity seems to have declined due to having too much time to work. There is only so much time I can put in writing on any given day and still have it be beneficial. On days when I have an evening engagement, then, I try to schedule that block of time for the afternoon. On days when I am totally free, the urgency of doing it in the afternoon is lost, and in addition I'm faced with the prospect of having nothing to do in the evening if I write too early. After putting it off, however, I often find myself further procrastinating, until I reach the point when it's "too late" to start and I might as well just wait until tomorrow.I confess that I have been lazy in my research assistant work and on transcribing some lecture notes that fellow students want to purchase from me. I confess that I have been watching too much TV, even by my lax standards.
I confess that my apartment is starting to feel dingy, though everyone who visits still considers it remarkably clean. I still have not reached my "threshold," which is perhaps higher than usual since I would feel stupid taking an afternoon out to clean when I am behind on my self-imposed writing schedule.
I confess that the relative lack of comments this week has bothered me.