Thursday, October 30, 2003
(12:35 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
Lawsuit addiction
Atrios is being threatened with a lawsuit by some lunatic commentator. Here and here are more characteristically Atriosian follow-ups. And yes, this is just a rip-off of CalPundit's post on the subject, but you guys probably don't read CalPundit.
I think the most disturbing aspect of this may be the fact that the guy threatened to subpeona Blogspot in order to get Atrios's real name. Given the level of national discourse these days, I think that anonymity is the only thing standing between Atrios and some genuine harrassment and perhaps even physical danger. Even if that's an exaggerated concern, it's still his business if he wants to remain anonymous, and a spurious lawsuit is not an appropriate way to get at his secret identity.
UPDATE: At the suggestion of Slacktivist, I have sent an e-mail to the lawyer in question "confessing" that I am Atrios. I hope I won't be the only one. You can e-mail the guy here if you feel so inclined.