Sunday, May 16, 2004
(12:46 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
When Mormons Attack
I have lately gotten into the habit of checking The Truth Laid Bear's blog ecosystem, in which I am a "Slithering Reptile." (For some reason, it doesn't pick up my number of visits per day from SiteMeter, nor does it pick up as many links to my site as does Technorati -- I should be at least a marsupial, damn it!) In any case, the top-rated blog for the past week or so has been Latter-Day Blogs, the headquarters of a ring of LDS blogs. Like the Dean campaign, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has apparently learned how to harness the power of the Internet to advance their cause -- and I say, Good luck to them. We need more Mormons in this world, if for no other reason than to piss off generic "church growth"-style Evangelical Republicans. As a sidenote, I will continue to write out that entire name until it begins to have some impact on public dialogue -- I sincerely believe it to be a more adequate and descriptive term than "fundamentalist" or "Bible literalists" or whatever other horse-geschichte the mainstream media is forcing down the throat of the general public.
I suppose it's somewhat gratifying that left-wing/liberal sites such as Atrios, Daily Kos, and Talking Points have become part of the "establishment" of the blogosphere -- along with such illustrious right-wing/reactionary sites such as InstaPundit, Andrew Sullivan, and Little Green Footballs. Sadly, they have yet to admit any Leninist sites into the inner sanctum of blogospheric fame. At least there is a Democratic Socialist site in the second tier.