Tuesday, June 29, 2004
(3:41 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
My Many Remarkable Accomplishments: Taking Stock
This summer, I have done the following work related to academia:
- Begun to learn French.
- Substantially rewritten and expanded my paper on Empire and submitted it for publication to the Chicago Theological Seminary Register.
- Submitted my Bonhoeffer paper to the Journal of the American Academy of Religion; they sent me an e-mail saying that they have a two-year backlog of papers to publish and wouldn't be able to get to mine until March 2006, assuming they accepted it; I withdrew my submission.
- Submitted my Bonhoeffer paper to Theology Today.
- Read the following books: Thomas Frank, One Market Under God; Jacob Taubes, The Political Theology of Paul; Slavoj Žižek, Organs without Bodies; Michael Bérubé, The Employment of English; Alenka Zupančič, The Shortest Shadow (forthcoming, projected completion date: July 5, 2004).
- Write a paper on Derrida and the love of ruins (due: September 2004 at the latest).
- Read an anthology of Wesley's sermons and a variety of secondary works on Wesley.
- Read Badiou's Ethics and other works (perhaps even some in French).
- Write a paper on Wesley and Badiou for the Wesleyan Theological Society -- and if you steal my idea, I will fucking kill you. I put my paper ideas out here on my blog because I trust you people, but if you steal my idea, I will fucking kill you.
- Read an article and a book on theological language and "biblical concepts" to enhance my paper on Moltmann's critique of Barth, then submit said paper to some journal or other.
- Read as much of Milbank's oeuvre as possible as part of my thesis research.
Here ends my public stock-taking.