Wednesday, July 21, 2004
(1:30 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
Housekeeping post
The Weblog's traffic has been growing steadily over the past few weeks. Strangely, though, I seem to be getting 50 referrals a day from people who are apparently searching Google images for a picture of a nicely shaped young woman with a star-shaped "ass-capper" tattoo. No material related to nice asses is available at the Weblog. I don't know how Google got that impression.Here's an update on where my co-bloggers are, since I now occupy every slot on the "latest post" column. Monica is preparing to ride her bike across Iowa, the long way, over the next week and has other obligations to attend to as well. Blogging time has fallen onto the backburner. According to Mark Miller, Robb's computer is currently dead, so his blogging availability is severely constricted. Adam Robinson is, to my knowledge, in New York. Anthony is at the Ekklesia conference at DePaul. According to his last report on the subject, Richard doesn't post very much because his wife prefers for him to pay attention to her rather than to blogposts, and I'm pretty sure he's willing and eager to oblige her on that front. Mike Schaefer might have something going on, or he might just not be in a posting mood right now -- he has assured me that he will write something else eventually.
I'm so lonely. So scared.
In any case, later today I plan on getting out a magic marker, drawing a star right above my ass, and taking a picture of it. Posting that should drive my traffic up to nearly Bérubéan levels.
Finally, I'd like to thank everyone for their advice on French and excoriate everyone for their lack of advice on my life's direction -- although I am a big boy and should be able to figure that stuff out myself.
(Just as a footnote, it is way too hot.)