Monday, August 09, 2004
(10:10 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
Further Research into Amazon
I had to delete all cookies the other day, so when I went to Amazon just now, instead of my data, they just assumed that I was Median Amazon User. Normally my personalized recommendations include the minor works of Levinas; today, one of my top picks was as follows: "Pamela Anderson's delightful 'autobiographical novel,' Star, blends the best parts of a dishy memoir and a steamy romance, giving readers a glimpse of the A-list scene in Hollywood." I eagerly await the upcoming review in The New Yorker.Aside from demonstrating how superior I am to popular culture, the purpose of this post was to point out the jarring use of the word delightful in the capsule review. I had always thought that the word was reserved for witty little art novels. Had I been writing the review, I probably would have chosen to use delicious instead.