Sunday, April 03, 2005
(12:29 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
The Election Was Stolen
Or at least there's some actual evidence. I like the part about how in Ukraine, an almost identical situation prompted massive protests that shut down the entire country. That is democracy, and we have none of it. What we do have is so filtered and controlled that it effectively makes no difference at all (viz. Iraq war protests). The key to such mass movements is that the numbers are so large that they can't even begin to think about arresting everyone -- where the power of police enforcement is no longer effective. We're all so atomized and isolated into, at best, our little family units that I don't think that bonding together like that is possible, unless it is approved and controlled by the police apparatus itself (viz. Iraq war protests).The Founders were brilliant. Seriously brilliant. Ours is most assuredly the form of government best suited to the expansion of empire.