Saturday, April 30, 2005
(10:56 AM) | bitchphd:
The token slutty girl
Adam and I have agreed that, in the best Christian and youth group tradition, my role here seems to be the "token slutty girl." Just call me Maggie. But, seriously: my Catholicism is secular and uneducated; my philosophical training is completely non-existent; and my personal life, while doubtless fascinating, is adequately covered elsewhere. So what am I doing here (besides posting quiz results and flirting in comment threads)? One feels one is pulling down the discursive level, and even flirting gets old after a while. And yet one feels guilty over not pulling one's weight.Perhaps I should rant more about my job, since I can't do that at bitch any more (lest a colleague be reading it). I suspect there is no one who is so determined to identify me that they follow me all over the web, and in fact the few who do seem to follow me around the web mostly know who I am anyway. So, okay: general academic futzing, check. But other than that, does anyone give a rat's ass what I write about here? B/c unless y'all suggest something, I'll just start taking more internet quizzes and posting the results, and before you know that this place will be too livejournally to be called "the Weblog."