Thursday, June 09, 2005
(9:08 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
Next on the Philosophical Reading Schedule
for all you Paul fans, after James, of course, should be The Epistle to Diognetus.I would claim to be the blogospheric source for all early Christian concerns, but AKMA has done me one better -- documenting the martyrdom of Polycarp in Brick Testament style. AKMA does well to remind us that it is ultimately misleading to isolate the documents collected in New Testament from the other literature that was contemporary with them or a generation after. For all its lack of theological creativity, the generation immediately following the apostles had a vibrant and unshakable faith, as will be immediately apparent to anyone who sees a Lego guy using a lance to stab another Lego guy who is kind of standing near a Lego fire thingy.