Monday, August 22, 2005
(8:52 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Without a car
At least momentarily, I am without a car, due to an unfortunate incident last night (no injuries, though my car wasn't drivable). I doubt it will be a total, so I'll have it back soon enough. I wish I was more of a righteous liberal, but now I'm realizing that some of my talk about not wanting to have a car was precisely just talk. I can get around just fine, although grocery shopping may be kind of an issue (I have needed to do it and was saving it until today), but I really wish I lived in a city where public transit was so good that only control freaks and paranoiacs would bother having a car. Does such a city exist? I've heard good things about New York.Also, this morning there was some truck in the alley that sounded like a baby elephant. Since I was awakened out of a deep sleep, the elephant hypothesis seemed quite plausible for most of the morning.