Friday, September 16, 2005
(2:41 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
Looking for myself on Google
In the wake of all the nonsense about how you will never get an academic job if you have a blog (or if you publish fewer than three books before you get your MA, or if you write for the popular press, or if you're married, or...), I googled myself, just to try to get a feel for my online presense. As it turns out, my name is actually pretty unique, so virtually all the results are actually related to me, at least for the first five or six pages.Most of it is just comment stuff that will probably go away eventually, but some of it turns out to be detailed responses to me that I had no idea even existed. My favorite is this one. Based on my rewriting of the first few chapters of Romans, Andy concludes that I don't understand Reformed theology. It's really quite remarkable. He seems to disagree with me most when I am staying closest to Paul's text. The comments don't seem to work, but apparently Nate (possibly Nate Kerr?) said something very important in comment #3. This is all very strange to me, because it's not at all clear that I'm claiming to be talking about or critiquing Reformed theology at all in said posts. So Andy, if you're still reading this site, feel free to let me know how Reformed theology entered into the conversation.