Sunday, April 22, 2007
(9:34 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Permission Sundays: A Moved Weekly Feature
After my decision to start giving permission met with such an enthusiastic reception, I decided, in consultation with Jodi Dean, that Sunday was the most appropriate day to give permission. This is our first Sunday liturgy.Since I can't make megalomaniacal claims every single week, I am unsure how to create a post to go along with the comment thread. At the very least, I will alert my readers of a general policy -- permission is considered to be granted if it is not explicitly denied within the first two hours after a comment is posted. Over time, this feature will evolve and shift, and doubtless other Weblogians will come to stand in for the big Other. One possible feature that we're particularly excited about is adding the selling of indulgences -- we're currently involved in focus groups that will help us determine a sensitive, nuanced, and highly profitable way to implement this service.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened unto you.
UNRELATED UPDATE: This is somewhat self-indulgent, but how often do theologians discuss snot?
For while in the time of Cyrus [king of Persia] sobriety and temperance still flourished, so that there was no need to wipe one's nose, and it was even thought a disgrace, among their descendants it remained a religious custom that no one should blow mucus out of his nostrils, but was permitted to suck it up and feed within (to the point of putrefaction) the noisome humors which had been contracted through gluttony. (John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, IV.12.22)