Sunday, September 16, 2007
(10:58 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
More on Twin Peaks, season 2
I just finished disc 4 (out of 6) last night, and wow -- it really, really drops off after they solve Laura Palmer's murder. The plotline where James wanders off by himself and becomes a repairman for someone who's really trying to frame him &c. is just idiotic. I've heard rumors that Lynch reasserts control at the end, such that it's worth suffering through this dry spell, so discs 5 and 6 remain in my Netflix queue, along with the movie.Oh, and what's with the creepy eye-patch woman having super-strength all of a sudden? (Setting aside for the moment her bizarre belief that she's back in high school.) And the hotel owner's sudden reenactment of the Civil War? And how the hell did Leo suddenly wake up from his invalid state with his full strength after weeks in a wheelchair and no solid food? And exactly how many "embodiments of evil" can you have in play at any one time? And seriously -- is James capable of more than one facial expression? And does Donna have any moods in between total calm and raving hysteria?
These are all questions I hope the remaining discs will answer for me.