Friday, November 16, 2007
(12:40 PM) | Old - Doug Johnson:
AAR/SBL Schedule
I suppose I'll see whomever of the webloggers is in attendance at this years weblog panel. I'm especially looking forward to meeting APS. Is there a plan again for hanging out afterward? Would be great to run into some of you earlier in the conference. Here's how I think my schedule will run:Saturday
9:00-11:30 - Bonhoeffer: Theology and Social Analysis Group, especially to see Rachel Payne's paper Chronos, Kairos, and Jubilee in Bonhoeffer and Andre Trocme
11:45-12:45 - The Tavis Smiley show
1:00-2:30 - Chronicles-Ezra-Nehemiah Section, Roland Boer is on a panel discussing two books including one by a Mennonite prof. Will also probably duck out for a bit to catch a friend from Duke's paper for the Pauline Epistles section entitled The Isaianic Roots of Pauline Apocalytpic.
4:00-6:30 - North American Religions Section, a discussion of Catherine Albanese A Republic of Mind and Spirit
9:00-11:30 - Scriptural Reasoning Group, Pragmatism and Biblical Hermeneutics: A Discussion of the Work of Peter Ochs
1:00-2:30 - Wildcard, Restorative Justice and the U.S. Penal System
3:00 - 4:30 - This one's tough, my wife and I are going to split going to the Wildcard session with Millbank and a friend of ours from Duke (Theological Readings of Economics) and the Theo. and Cont. Phil. Scholar's Session with Judith Butler. I'll be at the latter, but this means I almost certainly will be missing A. Kotsko's paper which is in a SBL section beginning at 4:00.
Evening - dinner with a friend at a Mexican food place in Old Town, perhaps making it back in time for the panel including Richard Horsley (A People's History of Christianity series) at 7pm. Almost certainly will be there for some part of the Duke reception at 9:00.
9:00-11:30 - still deciding between the Philosophy of Religion session with Cornel and Butler commenting on Kyuman Kim's Melancholic Freedom and a Relgion, Public Policy, and Political Change consultation session on homelessness (the former is certainly more sexy, but then there's my job)
1:00-3:30 - Theology and Continental Philosophy Group, a friend of mine and lurker here is presenting at this session on Agamben and Messianism
4:00-6:30 - the weblog panel (Bradley Johnson, U. of Glasgow Presiding, Theme: The Political and the Religious: Exploring Recent Turns with Clayton Crockett, Philip Goodchild, and APS, Tyler T. Roberts responding)
9:00-11:30 - Romans through History and Cultures Group, Focal Points in Readings of Romans: Eschatology, Apocalyptic, Messianism (including Doug Harink's Messianic Time and Readings of Romans by Giorgio Agamben, Karl Barth, and N.T. Wright)
Anyone else know where they're going?