Tuesday, December 18, 2007
(8:25 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Tuesday Hatred: Too Much, Too Soon
I hate Christmas as it is currently practiced. I would be pleased if its status was downgraded to be similar to Easter -- go to church if so inclined, go out to dinner with your family if they're nearby, but no one is expected to make a special trip. As for gifts, maybe we could all just make an extra effort remember each other's birthdays. On average, people vaguely (or not so vaguely) resent half the gifts they receive and probably three-quarters of the gifts they give, and children's mania for Christmas gifts seems to be driven primarily by a combination of the conformism imposed by every facet of public schooling and a child's unique susceptibility to advertising.I hate it when people criticize the Bush administration from the perspective of "the true meaning of America." I hate it when people advocate school voucher systems. I hate that the CTA funding issue isn't resolved.
I hate that I keep forgetting to link to Tuesday Love.