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Saturday, January 05, 2008
(10:38 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
For Completists Only
Last night, I watched the Short Films of David Lynch collection, and wow: it was virtually unwatchable. Lynch's own introductions to the films were interminable and awkward, and the quality of the films themselves was wildly uneven. "The Alphabet" (embedded below) was the only one that I found to be positively good -- he certainly deserved to get a film grant on the strength of it. The film that he made with the grant ("The Grandmother"), however, did not seem to me to be very good, and "The Cowboy and the Frenchman" was absolute shit. So I recommend that you just watch the movie below and leave it at that.
The present logo, provided by Edward Williams, is a colored pencil drawing by Janet Williams, entitled "Wite Out." Click here for a larger version.
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