Tuesday, May 13, 2008
(1:26 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
Zizek and Theology: The British Invasion
In only a very short time, Zizek and Theology will be available in the United Kingdom. My editor already reports receiving physical copies of what is apparently a very handsome volume.(Americans have to wait until July, for reasons that have never been entirely clear to me.)
UPDATE: No need to guess at the book's appearance -- my copies just arrived in today's mail. Looks great to me. Here are the (very generous) blurbs, which I am only just now seeing:
"With remarkable lucidity, depth, and presence of mind, Adam Kotsko provides the most sustained engagement with Zizek's theological materialism to date. His study precisely and compellingly locates this dimension within the philosopher's intellectual itenerary from its beginnings to the most recent work, and lets the reader experience the force and necessity of its emergence." -- Eric Santner, University of Chicago
"Concise yet luminous, Kotsko's introduction serves to clarify what is at stake in Zizek's engagement with theology. The clear explanation of Zizek's development and psychoanalytic theory provides an excellent context for exploring the implications of Zizek's intervention" -- Philip Goodchild, University of Nottingham