Friday, August 15, 2003
(9:24 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
This is an interview with Tom Tomorrow. Here is a quote from it:
What bothered me the most was immediately after Sept. 11 when conservatives immediately decided that anyone who did not agree with them on abortions and prayer in school was aligned with the terrorists. The afternoon of Sept. 11, I went online and there were people writing me saying things like, "So you think America deserved this. Well, fuck you!" And I'm thinking, "Hello! What did I say? What did I do?" That really, really pissed me off. I found that shocking, and a little bit frightening, honestly, that there was this undercurrent out there ready to latch on to this. Conservatives just felt that their entire worldview had somehow been vindicated by this event.
Overall, it's a pretty fair and balanced article. Ha-ha.
For those who don't realize, it's Fair and Balanced Day in the blogosphere. Just like all the blog holidays, it was engineered by Neal Pollack.