Thursday, May 06, 2004
(12:02 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
Scholarly Resources
I've noted as I obsessively search through my SiteMeter data, tracking my popularity and appeal as it waxes and wanes daily, that The Weblog apparently passes for an "academic" or "scholarly" site in many people's minds. I don't object to that, but it does make me feel like I should include some more explicitly scholarly links. My standard was "stuff I like." If you want to read every journal published in the history of time, I would suggest looking at the list on Arts and Letters Daily. If you want to find a reputable web page based on every major thinker in history, Political Theory Daily Review should be your first stop. If you want to find links to the rather odd combination of things I like -- that amalgam of unrelated elements that will forever disqualify me from Crooked Timber's blogroll -- look no further than my sidebar. I will add more stuff as à Gauche uncovers it while bored at work and posts it to the Quick Links over at the University without Condition.
While this site may very well be scholarly, it is not much of a blog, since I managed to mention at least six web sites without including any links at all -- much less any evidence that people consider me a "scholar." In short, if you want to wallow in lazy, slap-dash mediocrity, visit Andrew Sullivan, InstaPundit, or this post -- and if you're not satiated with lazy mediocrity at that point, come to The Weblog and scroll down to one of my posts.
Alternatively, you could read this brief essay that will help you identify a mediocre mind.