Thursday, June 09, 2005
(9:40 PM) | Anonymous:
Discharging My Duties: The Newest, Hottest Meme
1)The total number of books I’ve owned: >/= 1600 (I was very fiscally irresponsible during college.)2) The last book(s) I bought: Alain Badiou, Theoretical Writings and Saint Paul; David Bentley Hart, The Beauty of the Infinite; S.T. Coleridge, Biographia Literaria; and Jaroslav Pelikan, The Spirit of Eastern Christendom. (That was one bountiful day. They were scanned in that order according to the receipt.)
3) The last book I read: Denys Turner, Faith, Reason, and the Existence of God.
4)Five books that mean a lot to me (in no particular order): James Joyce, Dubliners (particularly "The Dead"); Cormac McCarthy, The Border Trilogy, but I'll take All the Pretty Horses if these can't count as one; St. Augustine, Confessions; Henri de Lubac, The Mystery of the Supernatural; Shakespeare, Hamlet (or, just the whole damn Folio.)
5) People to tag: Tom Waits and Ian McKaye (worth a shot.)