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Saturday, July 09, 2005

I doubt that Connery is really the problem here. I imagine him pale and wan and chained to his carrel, flinching in fear every time he hears the door open, terrified that his dissertation adviser might catch him doing something bad. Connery has certainly done his homework, and we can hope for good work from him if he ever reaches free soil.

“Liberating potential” is supposedly crucial to theory, but in fact theory, like any other methodology in the methodologized university, has been imposed on a generation of scholars from above by standard bureaucratic processes -- chiefly the establishment of objective standards and procedures for the control of hiring, firing, and promotion. It would be interesting to see Connery apply the tools he has used to analyze text formation within the Chinese bureaucratized elite to the rules for text formation in the bureaucratized academic world of today.

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(John Emerson has asserted the moral right to be identified as the author of this post.)


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