Thursday, August 25, 2005
(7:30 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Tired of Lies
I'm tired of lies. I'm tired of my government lying to me, and I'm tired of private citizens who feel like they have a stake in those lies and who propagate them at every possible opportunity. I'm tired of lies that pose as plain common sense with which every mature person must come to grips. I'm tired of explaining away lies by reference to the supposed fact that the "other side" (necessarily) lies to the same degree. I'm tired of the idea that past lies or a whole history of political lies is supposed to make it okay that we're constantly inundated with lies.It just makes me want to scream. It makes me want to throw a little tantrum like a three-year-old because I am so far from knowing what to actually do about it. This whole Robertson fiasco, where he can go on the air and play the idiotic game of scapegoating the media for reporting what he plainly said -- and then we're supposed to "give him credit" for apologizing on his website -- triggered it again. It's always worse for me when it's the Christians doing it. I always keep on stupidly expecting more, and I am disappointed again and again and again. Realistically, I can't even expect a modicum of human decency from most prominent conservative Christian leaders -- not even the barest essentials of what it means to live in a world with other people in it. And yet I apparently still think that something with the label "Christian" on it is going to be better, that it's going to offer some kind of alternative. But it just never seems to -- or else when it does, it gets shut down as quickly as possible.