Sunday, September 04, 2005
(2:58 AM) | Anonymous:
Arrete! C'est ici L'Empire de la Morte
The emperor did not inflict disgrace on the Senate; the Senate debased itself in proportion as everything was debased by the emperor. The emperor did not inflict disgrace on the Senate; on the contrary the Senate courted it and freely made it its own. Thus, the majesty of world dominion, all virtue and right, everything sacred in human institutions and affairs, the majesty of everything that has infinite value - all are cast upon the [shit pile]. In this way the secular authority of the earth for its part reduced the highest to what is most lowly (and despised; on the other hand we saw what is most despised elevated to the highest, to a banner). In this way, the secular government for its part radically perverted the moral disposition of its citizens in accord with this transvaluation, so that there was nothing left in the inner life to set against the new religion [Christianity]. Everything established, everything ethical, everything commonly viewed as having authority was destroyed, and there remained to the established order only an entirely bare, external, cold authority - only death - from which the degraded but existing life that was inwardly aware of itself did not recoil.
- Hegel Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion: Vol. III
Has there ever been a time like the present for a new god?