Wednesday, October 12, 2005
(10:53 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Decadence beyond Consumerism
What if, instead of a fury of activity, a "busy-ness" ("we're all busy"), a certain "productivity" (which produces nothing but debt for most of us), we could have decadence -- but a decadence without consumerism, which is itself a kind of discipline and in any case enables the cold discipline of accumulation, of the money machine that makes money out of money? Is this possible? What would it look like? Would it be something like study without publication anxiety, study on a model other than accumulation? Contemplation? Conversation?What will we do after the revolution, after the kingdom comes? And why not just do that now? Perhaps decadence isn't the right word for it.
Perhaps blogging isn't the right word for it, either.