Wednesday, May 03, 2006
(2:44 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
Conference Sneak Preview, and related matters
Reader Wilson Dickinson alerts me to the topic and speakers for the second Postmodernism, Religion and Culture Conference at Syrcuse University, to be held April 26-28, 2007:The topic is "Feminism, Sexual Difference and the Return of Religion." The list of invited speakers for the conference is as follows:On a related note, Derrida's book on Cixous, H. C. for Life, That Is to Say... was recently released in English translation. Additionally, Caputo's new book, The Weakness of God: A Theology of the Event is currently available. Finally, Ruether has co-edited a volume of responses to Radical Orthodoxy entitled Interpreting the Postmodern. I expect that most of the essays in this volume will be highly critical, but from what I can tell, Ruether doesn't have "an ontology," so I doubt the Rad-Orths will take the critiques to heart.
Hélène Cixous; Gianni Vattimo; bell hooks; Judith Butler (Berkeley); Sarah Coakley (Harvard DS); Mark Jordan (Emory); Catherine Keller (Drew); Saba Mahmood (Berkeley)
I don't have an ontology yet, though I'm working on one. In fact, I'm hoping to develop my own personal ontology in my dissertation, tentatively entitled Creeping Out the Other: Toward an Ontology of Awkwardness.