Monday, June 05, 2006
(12:18 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
Upcoming Events: Ladies' Week?
This week, Bitch PhD will be doing the Tuesday Hatred. Next week we will hand the reins back over to Ben Wolfson. Also this week, Tara Smith, a graduate student at Trevecca Nazarene University, will be presiding over our Friday Afternoon Confessional. This is obviously a much higher rate of female participation than we normally experience here at The Weblog, and I would encourage all of our co-bloggers with ovaries to join in making this a full-fledged Ladies' Week. (As of today, self-identified women with posting powers include Bitch, Tara, Infinite Thought, Jodi Dean, Marta, and Angela. Others can be added as desired.)Over the course of the next week, our intrepid crew will also begin work on the Nancy translation, an unprecedented blog-based collaborative venture. I propose that anyone who still wants to participate should make it known by the time I wake up tomorrow morning, at which point Anthony has agreed to divide up the text into appropriate chunks. I had initially planned on doing this through blog-based methods -- posting one's section, then opening up comments for suggestions and corrections -- but Writely [UPDATE: link added] has also been proposed as a possible tool. I have an account and can invite people as necessary. Feedback on the relative desirability of these methods is solicited.
In my own life, I anticipate being able to finish off the Nancy Directed Study That Will Not Die by the middle of next week, at which point I should probably begin work on the 20th Century Theology exam -- starting with writing the paper, at which point I will have no outstanding incompletes, a rare feat for a graduate student. The reading list is also the syllabus, which is divided up into class sessions. On some of the class sessions, I am doing pretty good -- just a couple books and I'll have it done. On some, I have read precisely none of the six to eight books in question. I really don't even know where to begin -- chronological order, or filling in gaps so that I have the all-important "feeling of completion" every now and then? How detailed of notes do I need to take on each of them? I was hoping to take the exam some time in the fall, but now I don't know. I guess it's not that big a deal either way.