Monday, August 28, 2006
(9:09 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
Prison Break Blogging
I am really enjoying the new season of Prison Break. There was a period last season when I started to get impatient because everything was so contrived, but then Richard mentioned that the show was intended to have a comic-book feel, and everything suddenly fell into place. I look forward to new episodes in the same way that I used to look forward to the next issue of my favorite comic books. (24 somehow doesn't have that same feel in my mind.)Now I need to find something to replace playing Final Fantasy for hours on end. Some of the blogfights I've been in have approximated the tedium of walking around in the forest for hours "levelling up" -- and beyond the tedium itself, it replicates the sensation of fighting the same enemies over and over and over. "Oh, what a surprise, another group of three grey goblins..." "Oh, what a surprise, someone's sarcastically thanking me for 'making his point for him'...."