Thursday, October 05, 2006
(6:29 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
The Bleeding Edge of Blognology
With that title, we are also on the bleeding edge of neologisms based on the word "blog." Anyway, as you may have noticed, I have implemented a new "recent comments" feature. (Apparently this feature has been available for a while, but I only realized it in the last couple days.)There are some drawbacks to this feature -- for one, it's sometimes nice to keep unbridled id within the comment sections, but more importantly, every morning the indicator is going to be nothing but spam comments. There are three people (by my count) who currently have administrator access to the comments, and they do good work, but spammers are relentless, sometimes even posting new comments while I'm in the process of cleaning out spam. More volunteers are always helpful (contact me via e-mail), but this is not a battle we can ever definitively win.
In any case, I'd like to continue to experiment with this and will perhaps move this further down the template, most likely below the "recent posts" box, just to keep to a minimum the frequency of the word "fuck" on the text that is immediately visible. I have had certain family conflicts as a result of the use of the word "fuck" in prominent places on the blog, and more generally I would like to avoid the social opprobrium associated with the use of the word "fuck." Also, Emerson used to make a lot of bestiality references, and I am not confident we've seen the last of it.
So, now that we've got that out of the way: we've got a great blog lined up for you here, with a confession by Brad Johnson tomorrow. Will he be shriven? Will he shrive? Tune in to find out!