Wednesday, January 24, 2007
(8:45 AM) | F. Winston Codpiece III:
Calendar Shopping
As many of you know, each year I wait until the end of January to buy my calendars, hoping to beat the proverbial "rush," but also to experience a "rush" of quite a different order -- viz., that associated with getting a good deal.This year, pickings were slim. Aside from boxes full of New Yorker cartoon wall calendars dated from 1993 to 2007 and a handful of "Odie" calendars (apparently meant as a consolation prize for those customers, like myself, who would be heartbroken to have missed out on a year of Garfieldian insight and edification), basically all they had was The Intimate Reinhold Niebuhr: 2007 Wall Calendar.
I was previously unfamiliar with this "very attractive figure among 20th century American theologians," but I have to admit: I like the cut of his jib. Take, for example, the image for January:
The sheer existential weight of this image makes it well qualified to represent April, the cruellest month:
And of course, for June, the month of his birth, they show a younger, sexier Reinhold:
If you hurry to the calendar kiosk at the mall, you may be able to secure a copy -- and I think I might have seen a couple H. Richard calendars as well.