Sunday, November 25, 2007
(5:35 PM) | Adam Kotsko:
The State of the Blog Today
In the last year, The Weblog has effectively abandoned all academic content, expelling that part of itself into An und für sich. An und für sich (which, please note, is a foreign title and therefore takes sentence capitalization rather than title capitalization) has hit its stride in the last few months, and I'm quite satisfied with it. The Weblog, however, has yet to establish a new identity of its own -- it is basically "The Weblog without the academic stuff." As a result, the quality level has been in free-fall for quite some time.The Weblog is in need of a new identity. I assume that the two weekly features are non-negotiable, but we may need to get back to having people other than me do them on a regular basis -- either someone else each week, or else (ideally) a semi-regular person who would do them for a couple months or so and then pass the torch, like Claire did with the Hatred. I am also in negotiations with F. Winston Codpiece III to see if we can get him posting semi-regularly again.
Or I could just give up and shut the thing down.