Tuesday, July 13, 2004
(10:02 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
- Today, all further blogging energies will be directed toward a UWC post on Milbank and Burke, since God forbid we let the UWC die.
- My birthday is on Monday, July 19. If you've wanted to get me something off my wishlist but didn't know if the wishlist technology was ready for primetime yet, you might want to do a test run now.
- I am trying to break your heart.
So if they postponed the elections, they'd have to announce what day they were rescheduling them to, right? And then, of course, since we're all total cowards and want to destroy our entire political system to avoid the slight possibility of a terrorist attack, we'd naturally be very worried that "the terrorists" -- who, let it be noted, have not attacked inside the US for three years now -- would disrupt the newly-scheduled elections, too! So maybe we'd have to postpone the postponed elections.
I'm worried that the terrorists are going to strike on Christmas this year. Maybe we should postpone it to another day. But if we did that, we might have to postpone it again since they'd know when the new pseudo-Christams was... alright, I have an idea: no Christmas until the War on Terror is over!
(I have a secret: I never really bought the idea of a "War on Terror." It's not that the Bush administration is doing it "incompetently" -- I don't want it done at all, competently or not. If John Kerry reported to some ultra-secret left-wing source that no one reads -- Critical Inquiry, say -- that he actually planned to unilaterally stop having a war on terror, stop worrying about long-shot mass-destruction scenarios, and focus instead on things that we know for a fact are killing millions every day [hunger, AIDS, whatever -- I mean, there are a lot of things to choose from], then I would enthusiastically and brazenly vote for him, twice.)